April 2012 – Fire and ticks and busy-ness

In the last month and a half I have: lead a major production release at work (software) involving 16+ hour days, been evacuated for a fire, lived in a trailer in a field for a week, driven 2000+ miles to the Leo Specialty in Wisconsin, pulled nasty little ticks out of our dogs (what good are ticks?  I ask you!?) and tried to keep some sense of sanity through all this.

Didn’t work.  Sanity lost…

If any of you have tried to contact me during March/April I beg forgiveness.  I probably haven’t replied.  I’m just now slogging through emails trying to catch up.  Please contact me again if I haven’t responded.

april sleeping in truck on wisconsin trip

Just listening to you makes me tired, Marsha!

Sign me,
Loopy in Littleton

About Marsha

Born and raised in northern California, lived in Colorado for over 24 years, but I've always felt most at home in Nevada. Go figure.
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