Skimmer and Splash made their TV debut today:

I suppose really it was their debut and encore and closing number because we’re likely not to be on TV again for… ever.  But it was fun and they definitely enjoyed the attention.

Splash almost didn’t make her debut.  In the TV studio reception area she was being her splashy self, screaming at everyone at the top of her lungs, “HEY, WHAT’S THIS PLACE!??  WHO’S IN CHARGE AROUND HERE AND WHY AREN’T THERE DOG TREATS ON EVERY TABLE!!  I’M SPLASH AND I WANNA TELL  YOU …” and on and on.   This, of course, is a TV STUDIO…  where people are ON THE AIR, Splash! …you’re supposed to be QUIET!   I seriously considered dumping her back in the truck but it was close to show-time; my Leo-friend Lisa Gilford offered to hold Splash and at first peep in the studio she’d haul her out of the room and that would be that.

Off we went.

Splash was… well… awesome, wonderful Splash, my girl who takes a little time to consider the situation… but then finds that things are OK and maybe yelling at everyone isn’t the best way to win friends.  She calmed down and looked beautiful, giving out kisses to everyone who, in turn, said “wow, she’s such a calm dog!”.  Why, you sneaky little girl, Splash…

Skimmer was wonderful throughout and gave kisses to tall and small … literally… the newscaster pair consisted of a 6’3″ man and an ~ 5’0″ woman.  He loved ’em equally and made quite a hit.

Now, about the show…

I had no idea what it would be, not being a TV watcher myself, but I was surprised just how quick it went.  I’m not sure why everything has to be a soundbyte nowadays but that’s what it was… “here are some Leos, they’re great… back to you, Lois Lane!”   I was hoping they would at least mention some “responsible ownership” items, but although Kevin Fitzgerald came close, it ended up just being a “because they’re large they need a lot of … well, Marsha’s good with them… they’re a wonderful breed”.  Uh… yah…  OK.

So let me tell you here since they didn’t:

  • Leos are not a dog you can expect to grow up and become good citizens all on their own.   Some do, some seriously do not.  It’s those “do not” that can cause a boatload of damage.

That’s it.  Show’s over, my tiny rant is over.  It was a fun day for all involved and we are all sacked out.

About Marsha

Born and raised in northern California, lived in Colorado for over 24 years, but I've always felt most at home in Nevada. Go figure.
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