
Skimming Stone Von Stutensee CD DD RN WD VLA

Skimmer as a pup
Water iz gud, playing iz gud, all gud.

this puppy turns into:


Skimmer and Summit in the snow

"Uncle" Skimmer (left) and Summit (Ripple's A Litter, Nov 2012)

Born: June 7, 2009

Temperment:  Turbo-Leo!  Loves people more than any dog I’ve ever had, especially elementary-school age girls.  Smart as a whip, and picks up training lickety split, and loves his “jobs”!  Adores Splash.

Health: cryptorchid (and therefore neutered), CBC shows all blood stats normal.

Accomplishments and activities:

  • Water Dog (WD) 9/2011
  • AKC Companion Dog (CD) 6/2012
  • Draft Dog (DD) 11/2012
  • Rally Novice (RN) 2/2013

Our loverboy:

One Response to Skimmer

  1. Pingback: Did we really need a third big-dog? | NewfDawgBlawg

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